“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:1-2
The Chancel Choir sings during the 8:00 am service from September through May. The choir is open to anyone with a love of singing and no musical experience is necessary. Practice time is Wednesdays at 4:30 pm.
Handbells are a beautiful form of music played at both the 8:00 am and 10:15 am services, alternately. Handbell players are always needed and no prior musical experience is necessary to participate. Practice time is Mondays at 5:30 pm.
“Joyful Noise” supplies the music for the Contemporary Service at 10:15 am. It is a contemporary musical group using a number of musical instruments and vocals provided by Randy Cochran, who leads the group. They provide the music and portions of the liturgy and prayer during the service. Practice time is 9:30 am and following the 10:00 am worship.
Fountain of Life has an annual Christmas Concert, we feature small ensemble groups formed from the Choir. Also we showcase groups from local campus’s and outside groups that visit the community and perform at the church.
If you have any interest in any of our musical groups, please contact Brenda Willer-Buys at or at 520-747-1213.